University Pioneers


Next plenary session of UP

Please note that this session is only for students who have joined UP. First-generation students can register here:

The next UP meeting will take place on June 1 from 6:00-22:00 pm. We invite everyone who has joined UP Community. Also those who are coming for the first time then. We will do a small round of introductions; no worries, you share what you want to share and other UPpers will headline. This session is scheduled a bit longer so we can also eat together and possibly do something else together. If you guys have a suggestion or would like to help organize, please especially let me know. For example, we might like to watch a movie together. We can check if I can book a lecture hall or something for us.

Just let us know if you can be there via an email to!

"As a first generation student, Judith had a hard time adjusting to the pace of studying at University. Besides, due to external factors such as having to take care of her father resulted in finishing her studies not as quickly as she had expected."