
Panel discussion Imposter Syndrome
Milio van de Kamp (he/him): “When I got my master’s, the first thing I did when I ran away is I said to my friend, ‘OK we have to make sure they can’t take this away. We have to run away from college and never look back. They can’t physically take this out of my…
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Brainstorm Honours session
Are you a first-generation student? During our last meeting some students talked about also being enrolled in honors education. We also talked about how this might seem unobtainable. UP is organizing a session on the 10th of May (13:30-15:00) on the inclusivity or is it exclusivity of honors education. The session will be attended by teachers…
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Iftar dinner
As part of the second edition of the This is UU Week, an Iftar meal was held at the Parnassos cultural centre on 18 April 2023. Everyone was welcome to dine after sunset. An Iftar is the fasting meal in Ramadan. The evening was opened on a personal note by UP’s project leader Chahida Bouhamou….
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Panelgesprek Imposter syndrome – Wellbeing week
Do you sometimes feel like a fraud? Do you experience a nagging voice in the back of your head that tells you that you can be exposed at any moment and that people around you have an exaggerated view of your abilities? Are you constantly downplaying your achievements? Welcome to the Imposter Syndrome. Some good…
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Call for respondents: Study choice survey
Ben jij bezig met het maken van jouw studiekeuze of heb je die net gemaakt? De Universiteit Utrecht wil graag meer inzicht krijgen in de ervaringen, wensen en behoeften van (aanstaande) studenten bij hun studiekeuze. Daarom vragen we je om jouw mening te geven over wat belangrijk is bij het kiezen van een opleiding. Hiermee…
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Call for participants from our intern Morgan
Hello UP-Community! My name is Morgan Pagenkopf and I am an intern with the UP-Community and an international student at Utrecht University, where I am studying a master’s in Social Policy and Public Health. I completed my bachelor’s degree in my home country of the United States at the University of Wisconsin, where I double majored…
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UP Community: looking to eliminate barriers faced by first-generation students
“No more sink or swim.” DUB was part of the launch of UP-Community and published an interview with the key-speaker Ismail Aghzanay en projectleider Chahida Bouhamou. “Most other initiatives offer mentors but we are similar to a study association.” – Chahida Bouhamou Text continues below the picture. Not exactly the same background, but similar…
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Chahida as a guest on radio programme News&Co: studying without a “university instruction manual” is pretty tough
On Feb. 10, Chahida was a guest on the radio program News and Co. Chahida is a lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences and project leader of UP-Community. Together with Dieuwke Teertstra, she talked about students who are the first in their family to study and who do not always find it easy to…
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Interview with Chahida at RTVUtrecht
This morning project leader Chahida was on the RTVUtrecht radio to talk about UP-Community with Bob van Beeten. You can listen to the whole broadcast on the website of RTVUtrecht. During the conversation they discussed the definition of first-generation students and how they often have to figure out the unwritten culture in higher and university…
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